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15 Ways Boomers Made the Rest of the World Angry

The Baby Boomer generation, born between 1946 and 1964, have undoubtedly shaped the world in many ways. While they have had numerous achievements, their decisions and actions have also spurred some friction with subsequent generations. Here are 15 ways the Boomers have caused a stir.

1. Inflexibility to Change

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Technology advancements are often perceived as a barrier to change among boomers. They grew up in a world without the Internet, smartphones, or social media. While this doesn’t apply to every Boomer, many have struggled to adapt to the digital age, causing frustration for younger, tech-savvy generations. This is especially true in the workplace, where digital proficiency is crucial.

2. Housing Market Influence

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Economic prosperity and affordable housing allowed boomers to accumulate property wealth. Today, their influence on the housing market has been criticized, as skyrocketing prices have made home ownership difficult for younger generations. This disparity is a source of intergenerational tension, seen by some as an imbalance of wealth.

3. Environmental Degradation

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While not solely responsible, Boomers were part of an era of exponential industrial growth that significantly impacted the environment. High-consumption lifestyles and policies during this time have contributed to environmental challenges we face today. Critics argue that these decisions ignored the long-term ecological consequences, leaving younger generations to deal with the fallout.

4. Economic Policies

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During their time in power, boomers shaped both positive and negative economic policies. Some argue that these policies favor older generations, leaving millennials and Gen Z with significant financial burdens. Student loans, social security, and other fiscal decisions made during their tenure are major points of contention.

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5. Lack of Technological Insight

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Despite technological advancements largely blossoming during the Boomer era, some Boomers have failed to grasp the depth and potential of these technologies. Their lack of technological insight has sometimes led to policy and decision-making that underestimates or mismanages the influence of technology on society, to the frustration of more tech-aware generations.

6. Resistance to Social Progress

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There was a great deal of social change in the Boomers generation, but some of them are perceived as having become resistant to further change. Areas such as gender identity, racial equality, and LGBTQ+ rights have seen some resistance from Boomer contingents, leading to disagreements and tensions with more progressive generations.

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7. Generational Stereotyping

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Some Boomers have contributed to a culture of generational stereotyping, particularly toward millennials and Gen Z. The prevalence of ‘OK Boomer’ is a reaction to sentiments that younger generations are lazy or entitled, which has fostered animosity and widened the generational divide.

8. Healthcare System Strain

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The aging of the Boomer generation puts a strain on healthcare systems worldwide. With longer life expectancies than previous generations, the pressure on healthcare services is substantial. This burden disproportionately falls on younger generations, who pay into these systems while also grappling with their own healthcare concerns.

9. The Retirement Age Debate

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The ongoing debate about the appropriate retirement age has caused friction. As Boomers stay in the workforce longer, opportunities for promotion and career advancement for younger generations can be limited. This, coupled with the strain on social security systems, adds to the tension.

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10. The Digital Divide

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The ‘digital divide’ between Boomers and younger generations is a notable point of frustration. Many Boomers aren’t as comfortable with technology, which can lead to slower adaptation in areas like remote work, online banking, or digital communication. This can slow down processes and create inefficiencies that impact everyone.

11. Resistance to Alternative Energy

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The vested interests of coal and oil industries often prevent some Boomers from embracing alternative, renewable energy sources. This resistance has been a hurdle in the fight against climate change, causing frustration among environmentally-conscious younger generations.

12. Underestimating Mental Health

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Mental health wasn’t widely discussed or understood when boomers were growing up. While attitudes have significantly changed, some Boomers continue to underestimate the importance of mental health, leading to tension with younger generations, who value open dialogue about these issues.

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13. Wealth Inequality

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Economic conditions facilitated the accumulation of wealth among boomers. This has led to significant wealth inequality, with younger generations finding it harder to achieve the same financial stability, fueling resentment and concerns over wealth distribution.

14. Employment Practices

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It is sometimes criticized that boomer-led businesses lack work-life balance and expect unwavering loyalty from their employees. Millennials and Gen Z, who value flexibility and purpose in their careers, often find such practices restrictive.

15. Education System Rigidness

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Traditional education systems can be considered rigid and lacking in innovative, practical skills instruction by many Boomers. Younger generations, who see the need for adaptive learning methods and skills that match the current job market, often find this approach frustrating.

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Final Thoughts

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It’s important to remember that not all Boomers fall into these categories and many have positively influenced our world. Like any generation, Boomers are diverse, with varied beliefs and attitudes. The friction that exists between generations can provide an opportunity for dialogue and understanding, reminding us that every generation has its own strengths and weaknesses. In the end, we all contribute to the evolving narrative of our shared human experience.

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