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Parents Express Regret Over TikTok Video Featuring Toddler Sneaking Onto Disney Attractions

In a video posted on TikTok, a Florida-based family demonstrated how a pair of shoes could enable their toddler son to meet the height requirements for certain rides at Disney theme parks, but have since issued an apology for the “shoe trick.”

According to the family, all videos associated with the trick have been taken down except for one video in which they apologized and stated “With influence comes responsibility.”

A video by Ty and Haley Kelly was posted on the internet in which they said they were attaching flip-flop soles to the shoes of their son, so he could meet some attractions’ height requirements of 38 inches without having to remove any of his shoes.

In a YouTube comment, a YouTube commenter remarked that the couple appeared to prioritize a YouTube video over the safety of their child, mentioning that the modification of the shoe was initially referred to as the “ultimate theme park hack.” However, many people were less than impressed by the couple’s resourcefulness.

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As an initial response to the backlash, Ty Kelly claimed that the “hack” had been staged in a video that has since been removed from the internet.

As he stated in the video, he would not encourage parents to allow their children to ride rides that they are not tall enough for, as he stated in the original video. “You don’t know the whole story, as you didn’t actually see him take part in any rides.”

Moreover, Ty Kelly claimed that his son was indeed tall enough for the rides, but he failed to realize that a person watching the initial video without this information might take his suggestion seriously if he made such a claim.

A video apology posted by the couple on Friday, however, changed the couple’s perspective. The original intention of the video was to entertain their audiences, but they realized that what they were sharing could have far-reaching consequences on their platforms as they realized that they were creating entertaining videos.

Despite Ty Kelly confirming that his son was not harmed by the video, he and his wife Haley Kelly now understand that their actions may encourage other parents to attempt the potentially hazardous shoe modification on their own children in the future.

During a live video interview, Haley Kelly expressed hope that their followers would provide them with an opportunity to “demonstrate our love for our children” and to show that they take their role as “influencers” seriously.

In response to some comments posted by users, some pledged to give the couple the benefit of the doubt, while others, however, remained skeptical.

According to a YouTube commenter, “You aren’t sorry for what you did; you’re sorry you took the risks you did, but you aren’t sorry you had to pay the consequences of what you did.”

A TikTok commenter mentioned the strange justifications the family provided following the original video.

“Even though you know the risks involved, you claimed to have used a hack that you asserted you had used, but then denied you had used it as you were aware of the danger, yet despite knowing the risks involved, you claimed you had used it, and encouraged other people to do the same,” the individual wrote in response.

What are your thoughts on this family’s “hack?” Let us know in the comments!