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These Are Some Seriously Outdated Social Standards Only Baby Boomers Still Stick By!

Outdated social standards can sometimes act as a barrier to progress and understanding, especially when they persist through generations. Baby boomers, in particular, tend to cling to a few of these standards more than others. Here, we’ve compiled a list of 15 outdated social standards that only baby boomers still stick by.

1. Traditional gender roles

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Women and men are often viewed differently by baby boomers. This includes the idea that men should be the breadwinners, while women should focus on domestic duties. Today, most people recognize the importance of gender equality and the value of sharing responsibilities within a relationship.

2. Sticking to one career path for life

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The concept of working in the same profession for the rest of one’s working life was common among baby boomers. Nowadays, with the rapidly changing job market and the need for continuous learning, people are more likely to have multiple careers or jobs throughout their lives.

3. The importance of marriage before cohabitation

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It is considered inappropriate or even taboo for baby boomers to live together before they get married. However, younger generations see cohabitation as a natural step in a relationship, often using it as a way to test compatibility before making a long-term commitment.

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4. Formal dress codes

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There are strict dress codes for baby boomers to follow for certain events or locations, such as wearing a suit to work or dressing up for a dinner party. Younger generations typically opt for more casual attire and are more accepting of individual expression through clothing.

5. Opposing tattoos and piercings

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Tattoos and piercings are viewed as unprofessional or even deviant by many baby boomers. Today, these forms of self-expression are widely accepted and often seen as a way to showcase one’s personality or creativity.

6. Saving oneself for marriage

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The idea of waiting until marriage to engage in intimate relationships was a common belief among baby boomers. In contemporary society, people are generally more open about sexuality and the idea of exploring intimate relationships before marriage.

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7. Privacy and secrecy around personal issues

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Those born during the baby boomer era were raised to keep their personal problems and issues private, and they avoided discussing them with friends or family members. Nowadays, open communication and sharing personal struggles is encouraged to promote mental health and well-being.

8. Putting work before family

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Often, working trumped family time in the lives of baby boomers. Today, people place a greater emphasis on work-life balance, recognizing the importance of spending quality time with loved ones.

9. Strict parenting styles

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A typical parenting style for baby boomers emphasizes discipline and obedience. Modern parenting approaches often focus on open communication, emotional support, and fostering independence in children.

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10. Homophobia and resistance to LGBTQ+ rights

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Due to the lack of recognition of LGBTQ+ rights, baby boomers grew up with deeply ingrained prejudices toward them. Today, society has progressed significantly in terms of LGBTQ+ acceptance and rights, with most people supporting equality and inclusivity.

11. The expectation of a “nuclear family”

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A traditional family structure is often believed by boomers, which consists of a married couple and their biological children. Nowadays, there is greater acceptance of diverse family structures, including single parents, blended families, and same-sex couples.

12. Belief in racial and cultural superiority

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Racism and cultural superiority still haunt some baby boomers, causing them to exhibit discriminatory attitudes. As society has become more diverse and interconnected, most people today embrace multiculturalism and recognize the value of different perspectives.

13. Resistance to technology

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New technologies can be intimidating to baby boomers, who prefer to stick to old methods. Younger generations are generally more tech-savvy and embrace the advantages of technology in various aspects of life, from communication to work and leisure.

14. Viewing mental health issues as a personal weakness

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The mental health struggles of many baby boomers were perceived as signs of weakness or character flaws when they were growing up. Today, society has a much better understanding of mental health and the importance of seeking help and support when needed.

15. Rigid expectations about education and career success

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A linear path to success is often viewed as important by baby boomers, who emphasize traditional education and corporate advancement. In contrast, younger generations are more open to alternative paths, such as entrepreneurship or pursuing passion projects, and value happiness and fulfillment alongside financial success.

Final thoughts

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While some baby boomers still cling to these outdated social standards, it’s important to remember that not all of them do, and many have adapted to the changing times. Conversations and understanding between generations can help bridge the gap and encourage progress, as we learn from each other’s perspectives and experiences. Embracing change and evolving social standards allows for a more inclusive, diverse, and connected society, where everyone can thrive.

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