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Junior Resource Trader Review (Is Gerardo Del Real Legit?)

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Gerardo Del Real’s projections about the next commodity super cycle are building up a bit of buzz online. And I want to see if they check all the boxes. I’m putting his service under the microscope in my Junior Resource Trader review to find out.

What Is Junior Resource Trader?

Junior Resource Trader is an investment research service focusing on opportunities in the junior mining sector.

Some membership perks include trade alerts, bonus reports, and trading education.

It’s a premium service that mirrors Gerardo Del Real’s personal trades.

The team leverages a three-pronged approach to finding opportunities:

  • Macro – Spot large trends in markets.
  • Micro – Narrow down stocks to a few key plays.
  • Trigger – Identify companies that trigger his system for selecting stocks.

Once a stock triggers the system, he and the team issue buy alerts.

They then keep tabs on open positions and provide updates on progress or market-moving events that could impact recommendations.

Sell alerts are issued the moment the team believes it’s time to exit a position to cash in or protect capital.

As mentioned, the current research suite also offers additional trade ideas and educational resources, which I’ll dive into after checking out the lead’s credentials.

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lead editor

Who Is Gerardo Del Real?

Gerardo Del Real is a rock-solid analyst with a distinct focus on the resource sector. He’s also a co-founder of Digest Publishing.

This publishing house leans heavily into metals, mining, and energy, so it makes sense that someone with Gerardo’s expertise built a home here.

He taps into his rolodex that he’s built up over the last decade working with hedge fund managers, large institutional players, and bigwigs in the resource investing space.

And members have a direct line to the same insights.

Investing in junior resource companies is an entirely different animal than blue chips. It can be much harder to accurately gauge the potential of these companies.

So it could really pay to have someone who can properly vet them in your corner.

>> Get the team’s latest trade idea <<


What Comes with the Service?

Junior Resource Trader delivers a comprehensive suite of research and a steady stream of investment ideas.

Read along for a review of each feature.

Trade Alerts

When Gerardo spots a junior resource stock that meets his rigorous vetting criteria, he immediately alerts members of the opportunity.

There are two flavors of alerts, buy and sell.

The buy notifications provide:

  • Stock name and ticker that triggered the system
  • What exchanges it’s listed on
  • Buy price
  • Catalysts that could catapult the stock

The sell notifications let members know when it’s time to exit a position. These are much simpler to follow, as the position would already be locked in at this point.

VIP Support

Junior Resource Trader members receive access to Digest Publishing’s premium support.

This includes phone support from Monday through Friday. You can also send an email at any time.

Gerardo cannot provide investment advice. However, he often sends a personalized note along with the support team’s response.


Get Triggered: 5 Kickoff Commodity Boom Stocks

Under the latest deal, new memberships also include five bonus reports with additional investment ideas.

The team is especially bullish on these small-cap companies, so they created these five dossiers to give readers a comprehensive look at each opportunity.

I can’t reveal the tickers or names of these companies, as this info is members-only. But the team does provide some details.

Supercycle Play #1 uncovers the team’s top copper play. Goldman Sachs projects that there could be a serious copper supply squeeze in the next decade. And Gerardo predicts that his stock might be uniquely positioned to reap the benefits.

Supercycle Play #2 is a company in the rare earth industry that could ride the headwinds of the next commodity supercycle and potentially raise its share price by about 1,200%. The team’s projects are based on the Net Present Value of what the firm has spread across its properties.

Supercycle Play #3 reveals the team’s top gold play. Gerardo says that his geologist has confirmed that the partnership’s initial discovery contains 500,000 ounces of gold, and he believes this stock might reach a 2,000% potential upside. 

Supercycle Play #4 is trading around the 50-cent mark, and the team says it has the potential to produce millions of ounces of gold. They anticipate that the stock could increase by 500% if their investment thesis plays out to its conclusion.

Supercycle Play #5 is an under-the-radar uranium play that’s steadily adding properties to its portfolio. Gerardo believes this stock might be trading at a substantial discount and could double in value when the market catches on.

It’s important to keep in mind that the team’s projections are not promises. These figures are based on their assessment of current market conditions.


Resource Requisites: What Makes Mining Stocks Soar

This resource provides a crash course on the team’s investment strategy and Gerardo’s Trigger system.

It covers some introductory ideas to junior resource investing. However, the report also offers a deep dive into more advanced strategies.

Given his extensive experience investing in metals and resources, this is a big bonus for both beginners and more advanced members.

It’s also a must-read for anyone looking to scout out their own opportunities in junior resource mining. This is a complex industry with many twists and turns.

Double Guarantee

Junior Resource Trader has a rather unique (in a good way) refund structure.

Gerardo offers two guarantees.

The first guarantee is that new members have a 60-day window to test-drive the service. If it doesn’t live up to your expectations, you can opt for a full refund of the price of the subscription.

This is a cashback refund — not an in-house credit.

Now for the second guarantee…

Gerardo says that if he does not provide the opportunity to at least double a member’s money “six times over in the next 12 months,” you can give him a call, and he’ll provide another year of the newsletter for free.

Similar research services typically offer one of the two guarantees — not both. So I’ll give extra points to the team for including it in a premium subscription. 

>> Join under Gerardo’s guarantee <<

Is Junior Resource Trader Legit?

Junior Resource Trader is a legit investment research service.

Gerardo carefully vets opportunities to help members find junior resource companies with real potential.

And he’s been in the business for a decade, so he brings a lot to the table.


Junior Resource Trader Pros and Cons

This service has many ups, but there are a few downs to consider.


  • Five additional trade ideas on sign-up
  • Led by a junior resource investing expert
  • Trading education resources
  • 60-day cash-back refund policy


  • On the pricey side
  • No community forums

How Much Does Junior Resource Trader Cost?

An annual subscription to Junior Resource Trader costs $1,999. 

This price tag is higher than entry-level alternatives. That said, premium analysis costs a premium.

The team offers much more than a trade idea or two a month, and the refund policy is light years ahead of many alternatives in the same price range.

Many that I’ve reviewed offer in-house credit only during a 30-day window.

Is the Service Right for Me?

Junior Resource Trader is best suited for folks looking for calculated positions in the junior mining industry.

These are high-risk, high-reward plays, so it’s important to ensure your risk appetite matches the  opportunities.

More established companies trade on the stock market.

However, if they’re in the late stages of their growth cycle, the upside potential might be limited.

The team deals exclusively in junior minors. So it could be a good starting point for a portfolio, but the picks by themselves don’t offer much in terms of diversity.


Is Junior Resource Trader: Final Thoughts

Junior Resource Trader is an excellent service that’s worth the price.

Gerardo dials in on under-the-radar opportunities in junior mining that many others miss.

Also, his expertise and network of insiders give him a unique vantage point to scope out investments from the ground floor.

Even better, the team provides a 2-month trial period to test the service. If you decide it’s not a good fit, you can request a cash refund.

The second guarantee adds another layer of icing to the cake. Members can receive a complimentary year of the service if the trade alerts do not provide one opportunity to 6X.

All in all, this is a great package that lives up to its name as one of Digest Publishing’s elite offerings.

I recommend giving it a close consideration if you’re in the market for top-tier analysis in the junior resource sector.

>> That’s it for my review. Sign up Here <<



Charlie Davis is an American writer and entrepreneur based in the Greater NYC area. He studied accounting at Drexel University, and began his investing journey in 2018. Charlie’s trading style combines fundamental investing strategies with technical analysis, focusing on both swing trading and long-term investments.