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What Is MOIC (Multiple on Invested Capital)? A Easy To Undertsand Guide

Investment metrics play an integral role in financial decision-making. Among them, MOIC (Multiple on Invested Capital) stands as a crucial tool for evaluating investment performance. 

Knowing what is MOIC can help maximize your investment returns.

What is MOIC?

MOIC, or Multiple on Invested Capital, is a method of valuing investments. It stems from the realm of private equity. This metric calculates the return that an investment generates. 

It is determined by dividing the current or exit value of an investment by the investment costs. MOIC provides an idea of the gross multiplication of an investment.

How MOIC Works in Investment Analysis

The MOIC formula is simple: MOIC = Exit Value / Invested Capital. If you sell an investment for $200,000 and the original investment cost was $100,000, the MOIC becomes 2.0x. This means you’ve doubled your initial investment.

Let’s consider a case study. Imagine you’re investing in a startup with an initial capital of $500,000. After five years, the company gets acquired for $1.5 million. Using the MOIC formula, the MOIC would be $1,500,000/$500,000 = 3.0x.

What Is MOIC? All You Need To Know

MOIC vs. Other Investment Metrics

MOIC is just one financial metric. It is often used alongside IRR (Internal Rate of Return) and TVPI (Total Value to Paid-In) to assess investments. IRR is an annualized rate of earning on an investment. 

TVPI, on the other hand, is another multiple-based metric calculated as (Residual Value + Distributions)/Paid-In Capital.

Although MOIC serves as a quick snapshot, it doesn’t factor in the time value of money. This is where the IRR shines. But IRR calculations can become complex for irregular cash flows, and that’s when MOIC stands as a simple yet effective metric.

Application of MOIC in Different Investment Sectors

MOIC comes into play in sectors like private equity, real estate, and venture capital. Private equity investors use MOIC as a basic measure of return on investment. 

In real estate, the metric helps evaluate property investment returns. Venture capitalists use MOIC to interpret the success of their funding decisions after exits.

How to Interpret MOIC

There isn’t a universal ‘good’ MOIC as it varies by industry, fund type, and investment period. However, a higher MOIC usually suggests a better return. It’s critical to consider the investment timeframe. Returns may appear impressive, but if they’re realized over a long duration, the annualized return might underperform.

Practical Tips for Investors Using MOIC

MOIC, when used in due diligence, can reveal strong potential investments. However, an exceptionally high MOIC figure can sometimes be a result of luck, tax planning, or financial engineering rather than sound investment strategy. 

It’s essential to examine why the MOIC is high before making any decision.

MOIC in Financial Reporting and Communication

Transparency is key when it comes to reporting and communicating MOIC figures to stakeholders. Legal and ethical considerations require open communication, focusing on both performance success and uncertainties.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is a ‘good’ MOIC in private equity?

A ‘good’ MOIC can vary, but in general, PE funds aim for a MOIC of 2x or more.

How does MOIC differ from ROI?

While both measure returns, MOIC is simply a ratio and does not factor time, while ROI is usually expressed as a percentage.

Can MOIC be used for comparative investment analysis across different asset classes?

Yes, MOIC can be used, but with caution. It’s crucial to consider factors beyond just the MOIC, especially variations in risk and investment period.

Why is MOIC important in fund due diligence?

MOIC helps identify how much return was made on each dollar invested, essentially indicating the performance of a fund.

How is MOIC impacted by the time value of money?

MOIC does not account for the time value of money. Two investments can have the same MOIC but different IRRs if the investment periods vary. This is a limitation of MOIC.


Understanding MOIC is crucial for insightful investment analysis. It’s a tool that supports decision-making in the exciting world of investing. 

As with any metric, it’s most effective when used alongside other financial metrics. The key is to understand its advantages and limitations within the context of your unique investment goals.